SoftBlue Values


#Master work

Our products are not just lines of code and electronics. We put our heart, passion, and quality into every implementation, always putting quality first. We believe in the flow of energy in business #likefewothers – we create great implementations, and such projects come back to us. We treat every project as our own because the success of our clients drives our growth.

#Be a mover

We are where knowledge and new solutions are. #likefewothers Not just to know, but above all to act! We implement solutions with satisfaction, creating projects for the future. We look ahead, draw conclusions from completed projects. We improve, raise the level and bar of innovation – for ourselves and others.


We believe in the power of diversity. It definitely works for us. #SoftBlueTeam is a combination of many personalities, united by a common goal and openness to others. We share knowledge and experience… even over a reheated (for lunch) cutlet. This creates an atmosphere #likefewothers.

#Act like a founder

At SoftBlue, we trust each other and give plenty of space for free creation of solutions. We reduce the number of processes and regulations, leaving only those that really help. Thanks to our team’s engagement in task execution, initiatives, and incredible creativity, we create a place where everyone comes with pleasure.

Karolina Graś

Recruitment specialist

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