As a Research and Development Center, we can undertake assignments for you involving the development of new or significantly improved products, services, technologies, or design projects. Similar assignments are eligible for funding under the project announced by PARP (Polish Agency for Enterprise Development) as part of Measure 2.3 “Pro-innovative services for enterprises,” Sub-measure 2.3.2 “Innovation Vouchers for SMEs,” within the Operational Program Smart Growth 2014-2020
Innovation vouchers
We offer a full range of services, from concept creation, through design and prototyping, practical tests, to the production implementation process.
As part of previous editions of the Innovation Voucher, we have completed, a.o.:
- a controller that manages the operation of the sewage treatment plant and biogas plant together with the service center,
- a device supporting energy management systems in the field of measurement data acquisition,
- an innovative wastewater pumping station controller with a failure prediction system,
measurement data analysis system from any source.
Opinions about innovativeness
As a Research and Development Centre under an Act on Certain Forms of Supporting Innovative Activity (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 141, as amended), we are entitled to prepare opinions on innovation regarding technologies, products, services and processes. Such a document confirms that the investment in question is innovative on the scale of an enterprise, region, country or world
SoftBlue SA posses profesionally equipped, operated by qualified staff:
- IT laboratory,
- mechanical laboratory,
- electronic laboratory,
- chemical laboratory.
With qualified scientific and technical staff, we can prepare opinions in the field of industries such as:
- ICT,
- electronics,
- processes and technology of mechanical processing,
- control and measurement devices and automation,
- environmental protection,
- chemical processes etc.