
Did an interesting idea come to your mind? Find someone among the SoftBlueTeam who would be best to talk about it with!

select department
Software | Wojciech
Hardware | Adam
Eco Solutions | Mateusz
Stock market & shareholding | Justyna
HR & Marketing | Iwona
Other topics | Małgorzata

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    Let’s talk about some Out Of The Box ideas that have been brewing in your mind!


    Office locations


    SoftBlue SA
    Jana Zamoyskiego 2B Street
    85-063 Bydgoszcz

    KRS: 0000436389
    NIP: 9671355663
    REGON: 341338798

    Sąd Rejonowy w Bydgoszczy
    XIII Wydział Gospodarczy KRS
    KRS: 0000436389
    Share capital: 10 512 250, 00 zł
    Account number: 36 2490 0005 0000 4520 3288 5572

    Office 3

    SoftBlue SA
    Trębacka 4 Street
    00-074 Warszawa

    KRS: 0000436389
    NIP: 9671355663
    REGON: 341338798

    Sąd Rejonowy w Bydgoszczy
    XIII Wydział Gospodarczy KRS
    KRS: 0000436389
    Share capital: 10 512 250, 00 zł
    Account number: 36 2490 0005 0000 4520 3288 5572

    +48 52 340 50 30
    +48 52 321 82 02

    Fax: +48 52 340 50 30 | +48 52 321 28 01